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How can people with disabilities benefit from Magen's services?

disabled wheel chairMagen can custom design Home Automation Systems to greatly improve the quality of life of a disabled person and to make him or her more independent. With Home Automation, a person can independently turn lights, radio and television on and off, answer or initiate phone calls, unlock or lock a door, open or close drapes, change environmental settings and do a variety of functions using assistive technologies. Any of these can be done using a touch screen from the bed or the wheelchair.

Tasks of all kinds become easier with our Home Automation Systems. Actions which would normally require help can be done unaided by a person with a disability using a remote control or by voice command. This relieves him or her of the need for assistance and in making the person more independent contributes to his or her feeling of well being. In times of need, a Home Automation System can automatically dispatch messages to alert help. Home Automation is also a major energy saving device and provides greater security in the home.

Disabled persons can benefit right now and get our special website 5% discount on all installations in the southern Ontario area. Just call the number below and mention (more info)

We offer a wide range of services to make the life of disabled persons more comfortable. Please call us and tell us your problem. We are committed to finding automated solutions to improve the quality of life of the disabled.

The Canada Housing and Mortgage Corporation offers assistance to homeowners and landlords to undertake accessibility work to modify dwellings occupied or intended for occupancy by low-income persons with disabilities.Check out this link to see if you are eligible:

Learn more about Magen Security Alarm Systems and Home Automation Services

Click the links below for more information
Security Alarm Systems Security Alarm Monitoring Systems
Door Access Control Security CCTV Video Camera Systems
Motion Activated Security Camera Digital Video Recording (DVR) Systems
New!! High Risk Security Systems Cash Register Monitoring (POS) Systems
New!! Wellness Monitoring by Computer School Security Alarm
Home Theatre and Surround Sound Whole House Audio
Automatic Lighting Control Motorized Blinds, Shades, Drapes
Climate Control Telephone Systems
Home Networking Independent Living for Disabled
Independent Living at Home  
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