1. You should have good locks, strong doors and gates and other physical impediments to thwart burglars. That's in addition to the alarm systems and monitoring services that Magen provides. Yes, we provide some pretty smart stuff to protect you, but we want you be doubly protected. Your security system deters burglars, detects intrusions and sends an alarm in the event of a break-in. Remember, only physical barriers can prevent entry to your protected premises.
  2. Use solid core hardwood doors for exterior entrances or high security steel doors where possible. If the door opens outward, make sure that the hinge pins cannot be removed. Once hinge pins are removed, the door itself can be removed.
  3. Entrance door locks should be of high security design, or of the pin tumbler type with not less than five tumblers. Strong locks should also be placed on all doors that lead outside through storage areas. Use similar locks or strong padlocks on outside storage sheds.
  4. Deadbolt locks with a minimum throw of 25 mm should be installed on all exterior doors. And remember to use them.
  5. Exterior doors, other than those used by customers, should be locked at all times, except when required.
  6. Windows should be of burglar-resistant glass. Security bars should be used wherever practical, especially over side or rear windows. Retaining bolts should be set to prevent removal from the outside. Where bars are used they must comply with Fire Regulations. Keep all skylights locked.
  7. Ensure that entry through ventilation systems should be not be possible.
  8. Examine window air conditioners and prevent possible entry, if they should be removed. Install grilles or grates to prevent ingress through ventilation shafts, air conditioning and heating ducts and other possible sources of entry.
  9. Chain link fencing should be secured at the bottom to prevent thieves from lifting it to crawl in. Gates should be equipped with strong locks or padlocks.
  10. Install lights at front, back and all side doors and entrances to your business. And turn them on at night.
  11. Check all lights at least once a week and replace burnt out or broken bulbs.
  12. Install mirrors inside your business, to enable employees to view people in areas that are obstructed from view.
  13. After business hours, company vehicles should be parked in a secure fenced area.
  14. Leave interior lights on after closing time to illuminate possible burglars
  15. Don't allow anyone into your business after you have closed.
  16. Minimize potential loss from robbery or fire by limiting the amount of cash you keep on the premises.


  1. All trees and shrubs should be pruned and well maintained to prevent anyone from remaining unseen by hiding hiding behind them.
  2. Check that trees, down pipes and lattice work don't provide easy access to upper floors.
  3. Don't leave ladders and tools outside. They might be used to assist a potential intruder.
  4. Keep your home well lit, with particular attention to exterior doors.
  5. Exterior doors should be at least 1-3/4 inch thick and made from solid wood or reinforced with metal.
  6. All exterior doors should have heavy duty dead bolts and reinforced door jams.


When you leave the house:

  1. Turn on automatic timers for lights and radios.
  2. Turn down the volume of phone rings.
  3. Arrange for a neighbour to watch your house, pick up junk mail, water/cut grass or shovel snow and give your house a lived-in look.
  4. Arrange to stop mail, newspaper and other deliveries.
  5. Leave a phone number where you can be reached, with a trusted neighbour
  6. Secure all of your sliding glass doors to ensure that they cannot be easily lifted out of their frames.
  7. Make sure your basement windows are protected by security devices.
  8. Never leave a door unlocked as security in case you lock yourself out. - If you can get in, so can a burglar!
  9. Lock all the windows
  10. Lock all the doors to your house.
  11. Lock the garage doors and the door of the garden shed.
  12. Arm your security system and lock the door behind you.
  13. Do you have a reliable security alarm system installed in your house? If not, we can help!

Tips to make your family more secure

Street-proof your child by teaching him or her the following:

  1. His/her full name, address and phone number
  2. The phone number of a relative or a close friend.
  3. How to use the telephone, especially pay phones and how to make collect calls.
  4. Who is a stranger: even a person that they see daily may be a stranger.
  5. NEVER to get into a car with a stranger.
  6. Run, scream, yell, kick and fight if threatened by a stranger.
  7. No one has the right to touch them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable.
  8. Always to check with you before going anywhere with anyone.
  9. Travel in groups and to stay away from isolated areas.
  10. Report any suspicious people or incidents to you.
  11. Never to let people know he or she is home alone.
  12. When someone calls, he or she should always call for mom even if she's not at home.
  13. Never to let anyone into the house if he or she is home alone.

Observe the following when travelling with your child:

  1. Do not leave a child unattended while shopping, visiting with neighbours or friends, or running errands.
  2. Under no circumstances should you leave a child alone in a car or truck, regardless whether it is locked or unlocked

General rules to observe:

  1. Do not let your child wear clothing with his or her name on it. A child will tend to pay attention to anyone calling his or her name.
  2. Keep a growth chart of your child: know his or her height.

Save lives with smoke detectors in your home

Smoke detectors in the home save lives. In Ontario it was found that fewer people die in home fires when a smoke alarm/detector is present and activated: Smoke Alarm Present and Activated: 12 deaths/1000 home fires No Smoke Alarm Present / Alarm Did Not Activate: 17 deaths/1000 home fires (Ontario 1995 - 1997, Mississauga)

Homes with detectors have a 40 - 50% lower death rate
("National Fire Protection Association - U.S. Experience With Smoke Detectors and other Fire Detectors", Aug.1996)

From 1985 to 1991, an average of 16 people died each year due to burglar bars blocking their exits from burning homes or buildings.
(Learn Not To Burn Foundation)

In 1993, children playing with lighters started home fires resulting in 145 civilian deaths, more than 1,500 civilian injuries and just over $130 million in direct property damage. (National Fire Protection Association)

In 1993, fires started by cigarettes accounted for roughly 1,000 civilian deaths, more than 3,000 civilian injuries and nearly $400 million in direct property damage. (National Fire Protection Association)

In 1994, home fires caused $481,000 in damage EVERY HOUR. (National Fire Protection Association)

In 85% of cases in which a smoke alarm did not activate, it was due to a dead or missing battery/power source.
(Ontario 1995 - 1997, Mississauga)

Invasion Statistic Study

Studies conducted in the USA and Canada reveal shocking numbers regarding home invasions. The likelihood of your becoming a home invasion victim depends largely on whether or not you have a security system installed. Magen Security's affordable high-quality systems and 24/7 monitoring can help keep you safe and off the home victim list.

  1. Homes without security systems are about 3 times more likely to be broken into than homes with security systems. (Actual statistic ranges from 2.3 times to 3.1 times, depending on the value of the home.) (Simon Hakim, Temple University)
  2. In Tallahassee, Florida, Homes without security systems were 5 times more likely to be broken into than homes with security systems. (Clontz, 1991, Department of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration, Western Illinois University )
  3. Losses due to burglary average $400 less in residences with security systems than in those without. (Simon Hakim, Temple University)
  4. A study in Connecticut showed that in 41 percent of alarmed homes that were burglarized, the alarm was not turned on. (Simon Hakim, Temple University)
  5. 90 percent of police believe alarms deter burglary attempts. (STAT Resources, Inc.)
  6. In 1994, the International Association of Chiefs of Police passed a Board Resolution stating that professionally installed and monitored alarm systems are useful instruments to deter crime and provide peace of mind for residential and business communities. (International Assoc. of Chiefs of Police)
  7. 94 percent of alarm owners are satisfied with their alarm systems. (Simon Hakim, Temple University)

A survey in Pennsylvania showed that

  1. 81 percent of residential intrusions occurred through the first floor
  2. 34 percent of burglars entered through the front door
  3. 23 percent through a first-floor window
  4. 22 percent through the back door
  5. 9 percent through the garage
  6. 4 percent entered through a basement
  7. 4 percent through an unlocked entrance
  8. 2 percent through a storage area and only 2 percent entered anywhere on the second floor.(Simon Hakim, Temple University)
  9. A study in Connecticut showed that 12 percent of burglaries occurred through an UNLOCKED door. (Simon Hakim, Temple University)

Need security systems for your home, business and family? Call Magen Security at 416.658.5757